Not what it is Worth at ALL... BodyMedia Armband

The BodyMedia Armband, AKA The BodyBugg . Well, I can honestly say that I am now able to write my review after using this product for only three days! Instead of writing the details of my review, I decided to make it short and quick with a Pro and Con list . Remember, this is my own personal review on this product. You can take it or leave it :-) Pro: • It is a great product for those that need the extra push to stay on a set schedule and for those who need the extra push to count calories and to keep moving. • It is a great product for those that need to see their progress , by uploading the readings to the online chart (that you have to pay for). Con: • It is not attractive on the arm when you have to wear it 24/7 (minus the shower of course). • It is not accurate to measure your sleep pattern ! As soon as you are in the supine position or any type of position that have you "laying down", it will start counting your "sleep pattern" and not your actual "slee...