Do you know Someone Like This?
It is a shame... I helped her with whatever I could. I did this for over one year. Many people warned me about her since the day she came into my life. I did not listen. I truly thought she was a good person from the heart.
She convinced everyone around her that she is a good person. She kept telling me about her "strong faith". How she does everything by the Bible and how spiritual she is. If her God produces people like her, I would never open my doors to people like her ever again!
She lied to me and everyone around her and it hurt real bad, but I will get over it! She was energetic, with a big smile on her face, but as soon as she walked away, she is cruel and conniving.
I always listened to her complaining about how cruel the world is to her, She will make hints to saying "ooohhh I love that... ohhh I want that..." or repeat it until you finally give in to give it to her. IF it fails, she wants nothing to do with you.
She will use you until she no longer needs what you have to offer and move on to the next victim.
When she knows that she was caught in a lie or one of her schemes failed, she uses her crying tactics. When it did not work on me, she became angry. This is the strange part... she gives a great talk and have people feel sorry for her... Then she uses her OWN stories and do the same to other people!!!
Beware everyone.... This person is a snake in the dark. She will use the color of her skin to complain that life is unfair to her or create a pity party to hook you into feeling sorry for her. Her intentions are solely for selfish reasons!
I am sure you know of someone like this in your life. Walk away and keep your eyes wide open.
She convinced everyone around her that she is a good person. She kept telling me about her "strong faith". How she does everything by the Bible and how spiritual she is. If her God produces people like her, I would never open my doors to people like her ever again!
She lied to me and everyone around her and it hurt real bad, but I will get over it! She was energetic, with a big smile on her face, but as soon as she walked away, she is cruel and conniving.
I always listened to her complaining about how cruel the world is to her, She will make hints to saying "ooohhh I love that... ohhh I want that..." or repeat it until you finally give in to give it to her. IF it fails, she wants nothing to do with you.
She will use you until she no longer needs what you have to offer and move on to the next victim.
When she knows that she was caught in a lie or one of her schemes failed, she uses her crying tactics. When it did not work on me, she became angry. This is the strange part... she gives a great talk and have people feel sorry for her... Then she uses her OWN stories and do the same to other people!!!
Beware everyone.... This person is a snake in the dark. She will use the color of her skin to complain that life is unfair to her or create a pity party to hook you into feeling sorry for her. Her intentions are solely for selfish reasons!
I am sure you know of someone like this in your life. Walk away and keep your eyes wide open.
To: Michele Foster - Tell our friend that I said Hello! Have a blessed day! :-)