Detroit in the News Again...

News Flash... Now Detroit is the Angriest City in America. Wow, not only are we (Detroit) the most violent city, fattest city and most illiterate city, now Detroit is the most angriest! Go Figure LOL

Since the recent reports are talking about the city of Detroit only (and not the surrounding communities) I wanted to voice my personal opinion on the recent news on Detroit...

Detroiters commit crime with one another - Stop the dang crime altogether! Instead, take pride in your community and make a positive change!!! Take that negative energy and turn it into something good. Yes we all have something to be angry about, so don't take it out on your community or the people close to you, reverse that anger into something that you could rejoice about later!

The housing is so poor and lacking in Detroit, because of the dang crime! People want to get far away from it (I know I did!) Stop vandalizing your own neighborhoods and make it beautiful so people want to come back! Dang, even the city workers, police, and business owners do not want to live in Detroit because of the above! Or should I add... It is BECAUSE of the City Government that adds to this mess??! Clean up the city and tear down the abandon buildings!

What about the Detroit Schools? There is a ripple effect here... Crime makes the people move far away.... neighborhoods have abandon homes... so, OF COURSE there are hardly any children attending the Detroit schools because of it! WAKE up people! These beautiful children of Detroit will be our next Leaders if you treat them right! Think of our children people! We still have a few children left in the community that attend or could attend school... make sure these children can get an education!

Most of the schools that I attended in Detroit are GONE! Someone I know very well could have written a book on the Education system in Detroit! (Well, actually she was going to, but never did - Identity withheld). This person had so much evidence on the corruption of the Detroit educational system, that it could have torn down the entire system back then! Now it has gotten so out of control that the news media is finally starting to notice... However, is it too late? Do the community care anymore?

Reminiscing: I am a native Detroiter and proud of it, however, back in my day it was getting real bad. Hate crime was all over the place and people could not get far away from Detroit. People thought that racial wars were among the whites and blacks only, but that was far from the truth! I am Asian. I hardly had any white friends, because I was a "chink" to them. In my own race, most Asians hated me too, because I was considered a "Twinkie". Most of my friends were Latino or Black.

Living in Detroit was not that bad back then. Although my siblings and I had major racism against us and the living environment was limited to us, the neighborhoods had houses full of families. Children used to play outside and people used to take care of their own properties. There used to be school buses full of children. The school yards had children playing in them and the classrooms were full.

I attended mostly Detroit schools. I graduated from Chadsey High School in Detroit. We had some great teachers and the education was very good. Because of my childhood, I never knew where my next meal would come from or if I had a place to call "home". I planned my 12th grade well because of it. I made myself attend day and evening classes to get out of high school early. I KNEW if I did not attend high school in the day and in the evening, I would not graduate. I graduated 6 months early. Right after I did, I had nowhere to live, but that is a different story.....

I feel, it starts at home. If one does not have a "home life", it will have to start from within. If one is too young to make any decision, it starts with someone who is in their lives who cares. It starts with how strong one feels about something. I also feel it is up to the community to make sure their children attend school to get their education, no matter where one lives! It is up to the community to clean it up and take pride. If there is a will, there is a way. Period.

Back in my day, if you did not have a goal to "get out of Detroit", you fell into the melting, sink hole.... Only Detroiters know what I am talking about when I say that. I hate to say this, but that statement is true for today too.

So the question is... How do we take back Detroit and make it into a city where people WANT TO go to and live in? Slowly the Detroit government corruption is getting cleaned up, but not fast enough! The people are suffering. The children are suffering. What does one do? It has to start within the community FIRST.


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