
We all have had the feeling of disappointment more than a few times during our lives. Some of us may feel disappointed about something right now.. Perhaps you were disappointed with the outcome with a decision you made... Disappointed with a lecture at work that you gave... It could be any event in your life or something at work did not go as well as you expected. The list can go on and on.
My theory of the word... Disappointment... Make disappointment "Disappear". Disappointment can work in your favor. Think of it this way... if you are disappointed with something, it means that it was not meant to be, or you have to revisit your plan and try something different or new. Make that feeling disappear by changing it now. In addition, think positive of the disappointment. Perhaps you had a dream to write a book. You wrote to a publishing company and they denied your book. You were disappointed, so.... A) you decided to quit, or B) you decided to move forward to another publisher. I am hoping that you chose the latter.
Work on a new angle. Make something good happen to that feeling of disappointment. Make a point to make it disappear by changing it to work for you. Whatever it takes, change that disappointment to something positive.
It depends on how you choose to deal with a disappointment, no matter how big or small the disappointment is to you. A disappointment is something you care about, isn't it? If you did not care about it or had a passion for it, it would not be a disappointment. You will either move forward and make something good happen or you will quit and keep that disappointment feuding in your mind and soul.
Think of disappointment as an opportunity for growth. Learn from it and move forward. You may have more disappointments along the way and that is okay! Just move forward and use it as a learning tool. Treat it as another Chapter in your Life. By using the knowledge from your previous experience from that disappointment, you can act more focused towards your goal. You will learn from that disappointment and look back at it and think... I did it!
Decision...... Disappointment.... Make a Point for it to Disappear...... Decision...... It is up to you.
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