Just a place to jot down my feelings, comments, or anything that comes to mind. A way to express myself without being judged. This is not an English assignment or for any grammar correction...This is my place to let go...
This article will make you think twice....
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This article will make you think twice about what you put into your mouth! Click here...
I am not sure why I am writing this right now, but something inside of me insisted that I needed to write this. So, if you are reading this and need to help a child or you are the one that is seeking help, please get the help now. If you feel you are afraid or no one will listen, go to a church, hospital, or to someone that you can trust. Photo of Donna(top) and me, 35 years later. Photos taken at Sarsh Fisher. Their doors are closed and a private business bought the property. Our parents told us to "pack our things". Of course we were confused and afraid, because we had no idea of why we were packing our things. ( Imagine coming home from school and your parents are telling you to pack your things. You do as you are told and no one is talking or telling you why. Imagine that feeling.... ) We drove down this long driveway and arrived at the doorsteps of this huge building that we never saw. Our mother got out of the truck and demanded that we follow her with our bags. We wer...
Hi Debbie, One of the members where I teach Zumba brought me the article you wrote Zumba Craze Hits Michigan. I just read it and had to send you some feedback. I thought the article was great in that it encourages people to consider Zumba, the fun workout, the fabulous aerobic activity, etc. I also loved that you boasted that the Zumba Program is currently being taught at over 50,000 locations, etc. All in all it was great. I do, however, TOTALLY disagree with the paragraph starting with Most Zumba instructors without a fitness background face away from their students.... I could not disagree with your statement more. There is no written rules about this in the Zumba instructors notes and the proof is really in the pudding. In other words, what does the student/member really prefer? Whether you believe this or not, students find it much easier to follow when the instructor is facing the same direction that they are. It has nothing to do with 'looking at someones' buttocks...
I did not know how cruel the Sheeps were mistreated when making UGG products. I love how my husband commented on the subject and decided to share it here... "I don't know what is worse, the fact that the sheep are being horribly mistreated or the fact that a nation of sheep followed the lead of a third grade level show, that featured a half dressed bimbo wearing boots, that they decided they had to have. (Referring to UGGs and Pamela Anderson on Baywatch) Now the nation of idiots loves Effing Duck Dynasty. Just when you think the level of stupidity couldn't get worse. I'm willing to bet duck hunting or whatever the hell they do, is at an all time high. Ask the looneys watching what their state Capitol is and they'd probably have no idea." ~ Anthony P. Arena
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