Color... It DOES matter

First of all, I AM a minority.  I AM American-Chinese AKA Asian.  My skin tone IS olive, (somewhat a yellow undertone).  MOST OF MY LIFE, including today, I have had racial remarks thrown at me. I had a few fights because of WHO I AM, and people HATED ME because of the color of my skin.

GUESS WHAT? I NEVER ONCE used the color of MY skin or WHO I AM to use against people, society, the community, or to get ahead. YES, a few people used the color of MY SKIN to stop me from getting ahead (once or twice), but I overcame that and moved on.

WHEN I LOOK AT SOMEONE I DO NOT SEE COLOR and I am an artist!   I NEVER refer to a person "oh you know her (or him) that "color of skin or race" person...."

SO why this topic?  BECAUSE I am SICK and tired of people using the color of their skin to make a remark or a statement!  Instead of "Go Dark Girls" (referring to the United States winning the Gold in the Relay Race, where the group of beautiful young women with the best bodies around happens to be one shade of color), why not say "GO USA"?????

Today I received a disturbing call that a VERY LARGE corporation is a planning a big event. Someone I know must find Vendors for this large event. She was told by her boss to "USE ONLY ***** VENDORS"! (note the quote!)

Two years ago I knew someone that can "smile in yo face" and backstab you at the same time... Her last words to me... "Us ***** Folks stick together".

Another example... "....(name of person) should have natural rhythm since she is *****... " Excuse me, but I swear it does not matter what color the person is to have natural rhythm... If it does, why are the best dancers from MTV Asian... the best dancers from fitness videos are Latin... I am just saying if we have to go there.....
Recently I was having a conversation with a few friends... they NEVER knew that "CHINK EYES" were a racial slur because they heard it all of their lives by their own family and friends and no one corrected them on it!!!!!  They continued using "CHINK EYES" today because they thought it was okay to use! (Hard to believe, but I will try to understand.)

Whenever I go out and a NON-minority starts a conversation with me, I promise YOU.... this is what I ALWAYS HEAR... My name is always "KIM"...... They ALWAYS point out.... "I have a friend who is...... or my cousin is married to you know her (or him)..."

Do I have to provide more examples?  No.

The bottom-line: It will never stop. People will continue to go into groups just because of the color of their skin and stick together because of the color of their skin and NOT because what is right or wrong.

Race doesn't matter to me, BUT in our society IT DOES. As far as I am concerned, the color of someone will never make a difference with me... As long as the person is kind and from the heart. As I grow older, I can see that things bother me more and there is nothing I can do about it.

Nothing is only black and white, so please keep your heart open to the wonderful color of this world.  You will see more and see how wonderful life can be if you can only accept the beauty of color!


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