New Year's Resolution -> GOALS -> HABITS
So, it is that time of the year, New Year's Resolution, where people all
over the world make promises to themselves. Making resolutions is the first
step, but, you need a plan and a healthy dose of perseverance if you want to
succeed. If you don't have a
well-thought-out plan on how you are going to make sustainable changes, most
likely it will lead to failure. According to research, only 8% of people
achieve their New Year's goals[i]
Since fitness is always a top
contender for a New Year's Resolution goal for most people and since we are Fitness Motivators, it would be fitting
for us to help you reach your goal starting today. Instead of concentrating only on your fitness
goals, let's concentrate on your overall goals, because all goals have the same
solution.... we want to achieve and succeed no matter what it is.
First, let's stop calling this a New Year's Resolution, instead, let's
concentrate on the present moment and start making positive changes in
ourselves today.
Also, remember that setbacks are
normal and should not spell disaster for your goal. If you find yourself starting
to really wane from your goals, then take a step back, take a deep breath and
know it is okay and continue to move forward, one step at a time. Don’t give up. Just start where you can (even
if that’s taking a few steps backward) and head toward your goal. Think of your goals as a positive habit!
According to an article that I
read at "medicalxpress", the whole focus on controlling your behavior
may not actually be the best way to get people to meet goals. If you are somebody who doesn't have a lot of
willpower, habits are even more
important... When we try to change our
behavior, we strategize about our motivation and self-control. But what we
should be thinking about instead is how to set up new habits.[ii]
Below are some tips that I put
together that may help you reach your goals, no matter what they are. Just don't give up on yourself.
1. Start by printing these famous
"failures" (photos that I found online below and at the end of this post). Post one per week on your refrigerator (or
somewhere else that will force you to look at it every day).
2. Write on a calendar (yes, hard copy please)
AND add it to your virtual calendar - your goal for that day! Make sure to schedule time on your daily
calendar to ensure it doesn’t get bumped by some other priority. YOUR GOAL IS A PRIORITY!
3. When you get out of bed, first thing in the
morning you are greeted with your own reflection in the mirror while brushing
your hair or teeth. Smile at your
reflection NO MATTER HOW YOU FEEL and tell your reflection how you are thankful
for one more morning and how you look forward to adding one more day toward
your goal(s).
4. Get in the habit of organizing your life! If
you are a messy person, take the time and start cleaning up after yourself. Living in a clean environment, where it is organized
and neat, will reflect on your mood and give you one less thing to stress
5. Write to your "Younger Self". A lot of celebrities do this (Oprah and Tyler
Perry to name a few) and I just thought this would be a GREAT lesson for us to
do too! Find a favorite picture of
yourself when you were young.... it doesn't matter how old you were in that
picture... Just make sure that picture is at the age you would like to write
about today. For some of you, this may
be hard to do and I understand, but this could be a great way to get to know
yourself a little better. When writing
to yourself, look at that picture, because you are now writing to your Younger
Self as an Older Wiser Self. You will be
amazed at what you will say to this younger self and perhaps you could use some
of the thoughts for the present self. :-) What will you say to your younger
6. Of course I cannot end my thoughts without
adding Fitness Motivators and what we can do for you in a classroom. 2014 marks
25 years of offering classes to the communities and giving 100% of ourselves to
well over 10,000 clients. I am not sure
if you already knew this, but each of our Instructors had to go through a one
year training before they were allowed to teach their first class. In addition, all of us work full time and
teach because we love to teach! Please
sign up for your Fitness Motivators classes sooner than later! Did you know that we plan our classes at
least 4 to 6 months ahead and block the time as "busy" in great hopes
that our classes are "a go" without being cancelled due to low
enrollment? When the classes are cancelled because people
wait at the last minute to register, it hurts the rest of us that plan in
advance for the class. So please, register
for your class as soon as you see it being offered. Try a new class or add a new class to your
schedule! Either way, you will be in
great hands! Fitness Motivators Schedule
Thank you for your time and let
me know how you are doing with your goals! Please leave a comment and become
active in my blog!
Remember, it takes time to make
positive change, no matter who you are and what your goals are! By planning
your goals, it will develop into a positive
habit. It could take us over two
months of daily repetitions before the behavior becomes a habit.... Repetitions
gives us the greatest boost in automaticity.
Habits took to form, anywhere from 18 days up to 254 days (with an average
66 days for most people).
Print these images and POST THEM where you can see them everyday!
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