Fit 4 Forty+ - Hair Analysis Part I

I have decided to do something different in each FM newsletters. Instead of writing articles about things, I have decided to put myself through the tests. I plan to write about things that I plan to improve or make needed changes in my life and give you my feedback on my research.
Therefore, today I will talk about “Hair Analysis”. At our clinic, we give our patients options on different tests that could be valuable to their health and wellness. We have included the Hair Analysis at our clinic with amazing results for our patients! I decided that I should do this test, see what my results are. If my results come back with some needed changes in my life, I will make the adjustments and see what happens.
First, we need to know what a Hair Analysis is and what it can do for us. Hair analysis measures the mineral content of your hair. Mineral content of the hair reflects mineral content of the body's tissues. If a mineral deficiency or excess exists in the hair, it usually indicates a mineral deficiency or excess within the body. Conditions, which may result or be aggravated by a mineral imbalance, include depression, headaches, hypertension, arthritis, hypoglycemia and hyperactivity.
This test is given by your Primary Care Physician or at our clinic, given by my husband. Make sure you do not order your test online. Order them from your Physician (or my husband) to make sure you receive an authentic test.
The hair is cut easily and painlessly. Your hair is obtained by cutting the first inch and one-half of growth closest to the scalp at the nape of the neck, at each sides of the temple, and the top-rear of the scalp. Do not worry, the doctor will not take a huge chunk of hair, but only a few strands (4 to 6 to be exact) at each locations. Your hair will need to be free of hair color or bleaching for at least six weeks. The day of the test, your hair must be free of any products. Make sure you know the hair shampoo and conditioner brand that you are currently using. You will also need to let your doctor know of any medication and OTC meds you are taking too… It is best to have all of this in writing to help with the process. The test and questionnaire is then sent to the lab without special handling requirements.
This test measures the mineral content of the hair. The sampled hair is prepared in a licensed clinical laboratory through a series of chemical and high temperature digestive procedures. Testing is performed using highly sophisticated equipment and methods to achieve the most accurate and precise result
Clinical results have shown that a properly obtained sample can give an indication of mineral status and toxic metal accumulation following long term or even acute exposure. I know this, because a few of our patients were indeed shocked at what their results were! Of course, I cannot say which patients, but I will give you one example that I know of….
“Patient A” has had multiple complaints for the last three years. She went to her Doctor and had numerous tests done. The diagnosis was from “all in her head” to “I don’t know”. She has been a patient of my husbands for a short time and he decided to ask her to take this test “and just see what happens”. Her results came back with an extremely high level of arsenic!
My husband then asked her to get her water tested… She did. The tests came back with high levels of arsenic! They gave her a sheet with different symptoms that she could experience with and she had ALL of the symptoms!!! FINALLY after three years of doctors, tests, and false diagnosis, she is getting better because of MY husband!
I took the test Monday, February 22, 2010 and waiting for the results. For the updates and details of my results, read it at my blog. You will be able to find my blog link at my The information written here will be at my blog with the updates as soon as my results are in.
Next newsletter I plan to write about insomnia. I suffer from insomnia and look forward to seeing if the information I found ill help me… stayed tuned.
I did not send in enough hair to have this test completed!!!! I have to wait another 6 weeks to cut more hair and submit it again!