I am Healthy and Fit , so WHY........
Okay… This is somewhat personal, but something has been going on with me for a few years now and I need to write it down for proof later. I may sound crazy, but hear me out…
First, let’s look at my health and fitness stats:
• For my age, I am considered within my normal weight, maybe a few pounds lighter, but perfect for my size and height (that I am comfortable with). For my height, 136 – 144 lbs is average (I am lower in weight)
• My resting heart rate is between 54-59 bpm. My heart rate, when resting, gets as low as 48 bpm.
• My blood pressure is perfect and on the low end – 120/60 or 120/70 – sometimes it could go on the higher end of “normal” when I am at the doctor’s office getting a reading.
• My average heart rate during exercise is 142-160 bpm
• My maximum heart rate (average) while exercising is between 172 and 179.
• My BMI is within normal-lower end range.
• I work out at least 6 times per week and add weights once or twice per week. I plan to join a gym for more weight training, but teach too many classes to get around to it. I get most of my workouts teaching my classes which is mostly a cardio workout.
• I do not drink alcohol (never in my life for that matter), no recreation drugs, and I do not smoke.
• I have asthma, BUT it is not that bad. I use my inhaler sometimes before class when I feel tightness in my chest – nothing major. I have never been hospitalized for it.
• I have allergies that is minor and I can control it with OTC meds.
• I feel I am in excellent health. Maybe some problems with female stuff, but nothing I cannot deal with.
For exercise and for my age, I should aim for a target heart rate of 120 – 155 bpm and those numbers are for “higher than average fitness levels – vigorous exercise. From my stats above, it is on the average of 142-172 bpm when I am teaching my classes!
The only emergency I ever had in my adult life, I had a blood transfusion, because of being severely anemic (November 2007 my hemoglobin was 6.5)
I drink mostly water and one cup of coffee in the early morning (maybe a second cup of coffee before 5:00 pm). I drink coke only when we go out to eat, but that is it. I drink green tea or ginger tea daily. I try to eat healthy when I remember to eat. I use my infrared sauna a few times per week for 50 minutes at 130 degrees or more. I do not take vitamins.
Mentally, I am a very positive person. I hate going to the doctors and I consider myself as a “bad patient”, because I hate medicines and feel medical doctors pass out whatever the Pharmacy Reps give them… just because.
I do have severe insomnia and am currently trying to find ways to help it, but I do function very well for someone that does not sleep that much! Maybe with less than 5 hours of sleep – sometimes 3 hours – is enough for me???
Okay… ya got the picture of my health and fitness… ya will see why I am confused in my next paragraph and would LOVE to hear any feedback on this…. BUT FIRST…
One more thing....
Within a few short months ago, I had a stress test, EKG, blood work, ultrasound on my heart, AND everything came back NORMAL!
My dilemma: When I walk up my stairs from being downstairs or anywhere going up the stairs, I have such pain in my legs that I have to stop wherever I am and lay down or sit down (on the floor, top stairs…anywhere) for a few minutes and then I am okay. My thighs burn really bad...I feel like my legs are going to give out on me and I will become paralyzed. It is hard to breathe and my heart is beating out of my chest! I feel faint and out of breath for a minute or so and then I am back to normal like nothing has happened!!! I have only 11 steps downstairs and dread those steps, because of what happens to me every time!

Now look at these pictures! Yepper… those are my hands!! (Click on photo for a larger image) I am NOT sure if this has anything to do with my dilemma from above, but I wanted to add this into the equation.
In 2004 my hands turned such a deadly gray that I had my sister take these pictures as proof!!!! I did NOT have any symptoms! I was taking a shower and noticed that my hands were a “dead gray”. I tried to stay calm and asked my daughter to come into the bathroom and see if she noticed anything… She saw it too! I got out of the shower and had my sister take these pictures. By the time these pictures were taken, my left hand was almost back to normal. Since April 2004 my hands still get gray, but not enough to worry about… it is a slight discoloration and again… NO symptoms!
The doctors cannot find the reason for this, but I know deep within that it has something to do with my circulation. We probably will not know what the problem is until something drastic happens and then “ooohh… that is why….. Remember when…”
So, if anyone knows why this is happening or if they know of someone that is going through this... I would love to hear the outcome!
First, let’s look at my health and fitness stats:
• For my age, I am considered within my normal weight, maybe a few pounds lighter, but perfect for my size and height (that I am comfortable with). For my height, 136 – 144 lbs is average (I am lower in weight)
• My resting heart rate is between 54-59 bpm. My heart rate, when resting, gets as low as 48 bpm.
• My blood pressure is perfect and on the low end – 120/60 or 120/70 – sometimes it could go on the higher end of “normal” when I am at the doctor’s office getting a reading.
• My average heart rate during exercise is 142-160 bpm
• My maximum heart rate (average) while exercising is between 172 and 179.
• My BMI is within normal-lower end range.
• I work out at least 6 times per week and add weights once or twice per week. I plan to join a gym for more weight training, but teach too many classes to get around to it. I get most of my workouts teaching my classes which is mostly a cardio workout.
• I do not drink alcohol (never in my life for that matter), no recreation drugs, and I do not smoke.
• I have asthma, BUT it is not that bad. I use my inhaler sometimes before class when I feel tightness in my chest – nothing major. I have never been hospitalized for it.
• I have allergies that is minor and I can control it with OTC meds.
• I feel I am in excellent health. Maybe some problems with female stuff, but nothing I cannot deal with.
For exercise and for my age, I should aim for a target heart rate of 120 – 155 bpm and those numbers are for “higher than average fitness levels – vigorous exercise. From my stats above, it is on the average of 142-172 bpm when I am teaching my classes!
The only emergency I ever had in my adult life, I had a blood transfusion, because of being severely anemic (November 2007 my hemoglobin was 6.5)
I drink mostly water and one cup of coffee in the early morning (maybe a second cup of coffee before 5:00 pm). I drink coke only when we go out to eat, but that is it. I drink green tea or ginger tea daily. I try to eat healthy when I remember to eat. I use my infrared sauna a few times per week for 50 minutes at 130 degrees or more. I do not take vitamins.
Mentally, I am a very positive person. I hate going to the doctors and I consider myself as a “bad patient”, because I hate medicines and feel medical doctors pass out whatever the Pharmacy Reps give them… just because.
I do have severe insomnia and am currently trying to find ways to help it, but I do function very well for someone that does not sleep that much! Maybe with less than 5 hours of sleep – sometimes 3 hours – is enough for me???
Okay… ya got the picture of my health and fitness… ya will see why I am confused in my next paragraph and would LOVE to hear any feedback on this…. BUT FIRST…
One more thing....
Within a few short months ago, I had a stress test, EKG, blood work, ultrasound on my heart, AND everything came back NORMAL!
My dilemma: When I walk up my stairs from being downstairs or anywhere going up the stairs, I have such pain in my legs that I have to stop wherever I am and lay down or sit down (on the floor, top stairs…anywhere) for a few minutes and then I am okay. My thighs burn really bad...I feel like my legs are going to give out on me and I will become paralyzed. It is hard to breathe and my heart is beating out of my chest! I feel faint and out of breath for a minute or so and then I am back to normal like nothing has happened!!! I have only 11 steps downstairs and dread those steps, because of what happens to me every time!

Now look at these pictures! Yepper… those are my hands!! (Click on photo for a larger image) I am NOT sure if this has anything to do with my dilemma from above, but I wanted to add this into the equation.
In 2004 my hands turned such a deadly gray that I had my sister take these pictures as proof!!!! I did NOT have any symptoms! I was taking a shower and noticed that my hands were a “dead gray”. I tried to stay calm and asked my daughter to come into the bathroom and see if she noticed anything… She saw it too! I got out of the shower and had my sister take these pictures. By the time these pictures were taken, my left hand was almost back to normal. Since April 2004 my hands still get gray, but not enough to worry about… it is a slight discoloration and again… NO symptoms!
The doctors cannot find the reason for this, but I know deep within that it has something to do with my circulation. We probably will not know what the problem is until something drastic happens and then “ooohh… that is why….. Remember when…”
So, if anyone knows why this is happening or if they know of someone that is going through this... I would love to hear the outcome!
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