Some of our students from the Cardio Boxing class in Farmington Hills. In this picture, some of these awesome students have been with us for over 12 years!
You Burn Calories with Fitness Motivators! Simply put, when you participate in one of our classes, you will burn calories. The more intensity you bring up your energy level in class, the more calories you burn. Are you pressed for time? We have 45-minute classes, 1-hour classes, and your choice of programs to choose from. Once you are in the class, think of that 45-minutes or 1-hour dedicated just for you! When you are not in class, and throughout each day, always think of ways to "stay active" — by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or revving up your household chores by listening to motivating music.
Boosts energy with our classes - Improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance by taking our classes! Our classes and staying active throughout everyday deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. When your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy to go about your daily chores.
Are you worried about heart disease or high blood pressure? No matter what your current weight, being active boosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-two punch keeps your blood flowing smoothly, which decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases. In fact, taking our classes and regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls.
Our classes are known to help your mood! Try our Z-Box Fitness® or Yoga class if you need an emotional lift... Our Cardio Boxing or Bootcamp class can help you blow off some steam after a stressful day at work! What about our Do the Hustle or Zumba® classes.... they can help put that big smile back on your face! We have the BEST team that can leave you feeling happier and more relaxed during and after your class. You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you take our classes regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem!
Exercise IS fun with the Fitness Motivators Instructors! Our classes can be a fun way to spend some time away from your hectic schedule and it gives you a chance to unwind! Our classes are also known to start a few long lasting friendships and can also help you connect with family or friends in a fun social setting.
Our Fitness Motivators classes are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have fun. Our Instructors are handpicked and trained to give you the best workout and motivation. Just remember, for your overall health, you will need to exercise at least 30-minutes every day... so, why not use a few of those days per week by registering for a few of our classes! We are proud to say that we continue to offer the highest quality fitness classes at the lowest possible rate!
Note: If you want to lose weight or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Remember to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns. We look forward to seeing you in class!
Recently I asked our team to give me a short paragraph of themselves to share with you here. Please get to know some of our team in their own words:
Meet Donna... I remember the first class I taught was high-impact aerobics at the Detroit YMCA in Brightmoor, over 33 years ago! When you have a passion to help others achieve their goals and at the same time, to entertain your students while educating them on fitness, what is there to not love about teaching group exercise? As I reflect back, I miss being the energetic bunny that I now see in my daughter (don’t be fooled though, I can still teach a sweaty class!), I am grateful to have touched so many lives throughout the years, and I am proud to have dedicated my entire life in providing a quality program to several communities. You may have noticed fitness classes or studios opening at every corner, many of which who tried to copy our program, websites, prices, etc. However, what they cannot copy are instructors who have a strong background in group-exercise, who have a passion in helping YOU, who genuinely cares about YOU, who earned the reputation and are known as leaders in the fitness industry. I take pride in Fitness Motivators and hope you will continue to allow us the pleasure in having YOU in our classes. Thank you!
Meet Debbie... I am the creator of the Z-Box Fitness® program and I have been in the fitness industry for over 32 years. I am proud to be part of this wonderful team! Not only do I consider our team a family, we have a common goal to helping our students and the community get fit and live healthier lives. I teach because of many reasons. The new and regular students bring a lot of positive feelings into my life. Not only do I enjoy the students (especially the regulars, who are now my friends) and getting to know them, I love the smiles and laughter that I see, as I teach (or what I like to refer to my classes... "that I host"). I am deathly afraid of public speaking and having conversations with people I hardly know (Bet most of ya didn't know this about me!). Almost every class, I force myself to get up to the front of the class, smile, and "take charge". Having those warm smiles looking at me makes my job a lot easier. I also work full time for our chiropractic clinic, Fitness Motivators and Z-Box Fitness. I am also a professional artist and photographer. Nino and I have been married for over 24 years. I have two grown children and one grandson.
Meet Christina... As most of you know my first aerobics class was when I was very young, about 4! I have been in the Fitness Industry my entire life due to my mom's love for fitness. When I was young I remember watching my mom instruct her numerous classes a night and I often wondered when I would be old enough to attend. This didn't last long because my mom then created a Kids Aerobics class that I helped her with! The rest is history... I have been instructing for Fitness Motivators since I was 16 years old, which means I am going on my 13th year of teaching! I have been certified in many different platforms of Fitness but starting out my career as a Certified Cardio Boxing Instructor, this was my first love for a long time! Fitness has become a huge part of my life. Along with teaching between 10-13 classes a week I also Bartend for a family restaurant. Now this was not my ideal career after graduating college in 2007, however, other jobs I interviewed for (and was offered) left me with the choice of not instructing anymore. I literally was on an interview when she told me I most likely would not make it home by 7pm to teach a class, I then asked her what would she do if I told her she couldn't brush her teeth anymore?! This gives you a very good idea of how I view Fitness and what it means to me. Everything!!! Without my classes and my clients I would have rotten teeth!!! Love to all you amazing clients and I hope for a great Fitness season to come!
Meet Sonia... Having been overweight and inactive for most of my life, I knew I was headed for health troubles. At the age of 29, I decided that I wanted to live to see my children grow and do all the things I dreamed. Well over 11 years ago, I began a quest by joining Fitness Motivators and made a commitment to living a healthy, active lifestyle. I knew that in order to fit exercise into my busy life, I had to make it a priority. It became the regular part of my schedule that OTHER things had to be scheduled around. I am now the healthiest I've ever been and I have the energy to keep up with the preschoolers I teach science to during the day. Fitness Motivators has helped me not only become a better person, but by increasing my confidence and alleviating my bouts with "winter blues". I feel it also helped me become a better wife and mother as well. I became a certified instructor to help others become motivated to do the same!
Meet Laura... I've been married for over 27 years to my wonderful hubby, Curtis. We have two grown sons and one granddaughter. I'm employed full time at a Telecommunications company. My job is very stressful. I'm required to be available 24x7. I've found exercise is one of best ways to de-stress. Being Fitness Motivators Instructor helps me to focus on keeping exercise in my life. I've been part of the team now for over 10 years. It is so easy "NOT" to exercise, I've come to class knowing after class I have to go home to continue working, or I'm running to class because I got hung up at work after a particularly hectic day. However after class, I'm laughing, relaxed and feeling good. I love the interactions with students and I have made some wonderful friendships over the years. I've also developed close friendships with my peers on the FM team. Creating a class that is fun and challenging that helps our students reach their fitness goals is awesome! It was a blessing when I signed up for my first class with Fitness Motivators.
Meet Beth... For the past 11 years, I have been lucky enough to be involved with the wonderful ladies of Fitness Motivators! I began taking Debbie's cardio-kickboxing classes at the Costick Center in the fall of 2001 as a way to lose the weight I had gained in college. The classes were challenging, fast-paced and most importantly, fun! Sadly, I moved to a different area and could no longer attend the classes. After some time Debbie and I re-connected and she told me about her sister and niece who were running classes near my new home. I joined Donna and Chrissy for their Ultimate Fitness class and was so honored when they asked me to join the team! I have been teaching with Fitness Motivators for the past 9 years and I would never give it up! I really enjoy teaching Ultimate Fitness because we get to mix it up and try something new every night. Some of my favorite formats are cardio-kickboxing, Z-Box and yoga. The best advice I can give my students is to just "let go." No one cares that you don't know a certain step, or that you are going left when we are going right. We are all sweating together to improve our lives and have a little fun! Enjoy your classes and be sure to try new ones! I hope to see you all very soon!
Meet Nene... I went to a gym and took a kickboxing class. It became repetitive after a while so I stopped going. I moved to Michigan and saw the Costick Center offered Cardio Kickboxing, so I decided to give it a try. IT WAS THE BEST CLASS that I have ever taken. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I would phone my mom about how exciting this class was. Debbie, Sonia, and Laura really kept me motivated and love the laughter between the group. They made me feel welcomed and it was exciting to see them and get an amazing workout. When you find something you love you can only thrive as a student for so long. I approached the girls and asked them to teach me how to do what they do. Here I am today a proud Fitness Motivator since 2009! Fitness has become a way of life. I've learned that you can't make it a hobby nor part of diet regime. If you want maximum results, you incorporate it into your daily routine - just like brushing your teeth. If your finding a difficult time managing that, add your workouts to your calendar. Pencil it in/type it in, block off the times, no deletions, and no excuses. Finally, reward yourself for your progress - You choose the trophy, you deserve it!
Meet Denise... As a newlywed, who also works full-time in health care administration, balance is key. My faith in God and family always comes first, but fitness is also a priority. I try to be active throughout the week, whether it's taking a 30 minute walk between work meetings, going to the gym before the sun rises and of course teaching my Fitness Motivators classes! I'm also training to run 13.1 miles at the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon! In order to stay accountable to my health and fitness goals, I like to schedule my workouts like an appointment so I don't miss them, pack my lunch the night before so I don't eat from the vending machine at work and keep my to-do list on my Smartphone to stay organized. In addition, my husband and I like to stay active by riding our bikes and taking evening walks throughout our neighborhood. Sometimes we'll even have a date at the gym to run, play basketball and compete in a few rounds of table tennis! We all have lives and fitness should be a part of it. But, fitness should be enjoyable so find an activity that you love, get an accountability partner to motivate you and just do it! Your spirit, body and mind will thank you!
Meet Anne-Marie... I made the decision 17 years ago to be a stay-at-home mom. I put all my energy into my family. I have four wonderful children and have never regretted that decision but everyone else's needs came first. I wasn't taking care of myself. I was tired all the time and had no energy. That's when I found Fitness Motivators. It felt good to get moving again and to be taking that time for myself. I realized that when I'm "dancing" I'm smiling. I decided to join the team and share my newfound joy. I haven't stopped smiling since. My advice is to find a friend and join a class together. You can encourage each other especially on those days when one of you doesn't really feel like going.
Meet Noor... My name is Noor. I've always loved working out but doing the same old exercises was getting routine. I needed something new and different, so that's when I tried a Fitness Motivators class. I loved the atmosphere, the instructor, working out with a group of people and just having fun. I work full time, so finding time to fit exercise in can be difficult. What I liked about FM classes is that they are offered in the evening after work hours. After being a student for about a year, I decided that I wanted to be a part of the Fitness Motivators team and begin teaching. I loved the feeling of being a part of the fitness family, a group of dedicated intelligent, hard working women who balance work, family and exercise among many other priorities. I knew that this was something I wanted to do. I've been part of the Fitness Motivators team and teaching classes since 2010 and I've loved every minute of it. Come join us for a Fitness Motivators class. It's fun, motivating and exciting. You'll be having so much fun, you'll forget you're in a workout class. See you soon :)
Meet Monica... Commitment to yourself is one step, but having the will to change your health, lifestyle, and inner self is a whole other level. I think that's one of the challenges for me. I work at a doctor's office and by the time working out happens, I am quite tired. However, I know if I don't workout I would be sluggish and have a worse feeling about myself. Balance is also a key word here. Balancing your life whether it's working, exercising, eating healthier, etc. We balance our lives in order to provide a stronger foundation for those who join the classes.
Kathy... I took my first Fitness Motivators (kickboxing) class over ten years ago. It was so much fun and I was very impressed with the workout, the structure and energy of the class, and the instructors. The pursuit of higher education and life’s obstacles had me on hiatus and the gym alone was not cutting it. Almost two years ago, I managed to make it a priority to sign up for a class with FM again. I was getting a good workout in class but I was not totally working on “a better me” because of my eating habits. Being a winter “free for all” winner was divine intervention for my body to get right with the workouts in my mind and to officially recommit to exercising more. I participated in the Group Training, Z-Box, Boot Camp, Zumba & Cardio Boxing classes. I loss 16lbs., 10½ inches and 4.3% body fat in approximately seven weeks. It was nearing the end of this session that I was recruited by Donna and Debbie to train and become a member of the FM team. I was shocked (and still am) and honored. During the day, I’m the Treasurer’s Office Coordinator for a local municipality. I’m a supervisor, I deal with property taxes, the public, and I wear many hats. I love my day job but being in an FM class is “my happy place.” It is where the stresses of the day are dissolved and you can focus on “you” while having fun and working on your body and mind. I am very happy to state that I’m free of any prescription meds and that regardless of my hectic schedule, being in an FM class has become mandatory for me. I look forward to being instrumental in helping others achieve their fitness goals as the FM team has helped me.
Meet Katie...
Being new to the metro Detroit area, I was seeking a way to meet new people and maintain my fitness. After enjoying a few sessions of Fitness Motivators classes, I knew the Fitness Motivators team would be the perfect combination for me, providing the opportunity to meet new people and maintain an active lifestyle!
From an early age I've been involved with dance, sailing, soccer, and water-skiing. As an adult I continue to enjoy a variety of fitness activities. What I've noticed about the activities I enjoy is the group camaraderie. A great group makes exercise fun, challenging, and entertaining. To me these are the key elements to having an enjoyable and effective workout. During my non-fitness time, I work in the civil engineering industry creating professional development products. Spending time with family and friends, travel, and pleasure reading are a few of my other hobbies. I look forward to meeting you in classes -- and being part of your exercise group :)
Meet Jaylene... I am no stranger to the weight loss “battle”. Having struggled with my weight most of my adult life I knew that finding a balance between exercise and nutrition was the key. In late 2008 I set out to lose over 100 pounds. It took me almost 3.5 years to do so, but as of 2012 I met my goal. I have taken several fitness classes throughout my weight loss journey, but after my sister convinced me to take my first class with Debbie and Donna in 2012 I felt that I found my home. While I knew I would like the Zumba class, I didn’t know what to expect with Z-box, but after my first class I was hooked! I am truly blessed to train with a group of women that do inspire others to become the best they can be both physically and mentally. And…let’s not forget have a ton of fun while doing so! I do work a full-time job in the banking industry, so I understand the time constraints of making an active lifestyle a priority. But, I believe whole heartedly, if I can learn to live a healthy active lifestyle that with time, effort, and lots of patience everyone can. I try to focus on one day at a time, and before you know it one day turns to a week and a week to a month and so on. I always say, the secret is there is no secret, you have to make yourself and your health a priority and before long it will become second nature.
Meet Dawn... Pursuing a life of fitness and wellness has always been a passion of mine. It wasn't until just over a year ago that I had realized that I had let life take me over and that I had lost my focus of maintaining this goal. It was then that I looked into taking up boxing. It looked like a great way to get into shape and give me the empowered feeling that I needed. When searching where I could to go pursue this interest I discovered the Fitness Motivators classes. I started with the Z-Box class and never looked back. When given the opportunity to become a Fitness Motivator and share my love for fitness, I was honored and couldn't wait to embark on this journey. Though my journey is not yet complete I feel like I have become part of a family that will last for a lifetime.
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