My Little Jasmine

You know the old saying... Quiet before the storm? I believe that is happening right now with my sweet little Jasmine. Jasmine has a severe collapsed trachea. This is very common for little Yorkie breeds. For the last few months it has been very bad for her. I even posted a video on YouTube to see what other Yorkie Lovers are doing about this and if anything has helped their dogs. Our VET tells us that Jasmine is not suffering and that it is basically like a "cough". Well, her "cough" is getting worse and almost every minute she is hacking or coughing severely..... that is.....until today.
She did not eat today... She is laying around and when she does get up, she just stands there. Her breathing is hard and her chest seems heavy. As I sit here in my home office, I can hear her breathing hard, but she seems very peaceful. She has not "coughed" or "hacked" the entire day. She has been very quiet.
Ms. Jazee Jasmine La Shong, born June 7, 1996. She will be 14 years old this June. My sister-in-law Judy, Tatiana, and I went to a Breeder in Perry, Georgia and picked her out. Tatiana was the one that actually picked her out. I smile thinking back at that day... Jasmine was the ugliest little puppy and Tatiana picked her because she wanted to make sure she had a good home to go to. It was the best thing, because Jasmine has been a wonderful dog. She is so beautiful and such a loving little soul.
Her partner Julio passed away exactly 3 years ago today (Feb 20, 2007). Julio was a gem too. I still miss little Julio and I still have an ache in my heart because of how he died.
I pray that Jasmine will be okay. I am hoping that she is quiet because she is just having a "bad day". Pico and Baby are constantly sniffing her and laying by her side. It is so touching on how they are looking out for Jasmine. I love them so much.... They may not be my human children, but I still see them as my little children... human or not.

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