Timestamp: 2/26/2009 10:59:42 AM
This entry will be pretty long... I was on my laptop last night and decided to write things that probably means nothing to anyone but bothered me with many questions.... So... here it is.... Just my point of view on different subjects:

Do we need more DRUGS? Haven’t you noticed all of the commercials in the last couple of years promoting prescription drugs? They say typical things that everyday normal people feel from one time to another…. Then they say, “Ask your Doctor to try this drug…” Then at the end of the commercial it states their Disclaimer… “Risk of heart attack… could be fatal…. Blood clots…. Blah… blah.. blah!” Don’t you ever wonder WHY these pharmaceutical companies do this? I know of two reason… 1. Some of these companies lose their patents or are on their way of losing their patents and need to find another way of how these drugs work for other “diagnosis”. 2. Money.
I remember when Zoloft was “the drug to cure depression”. Since the company was losing their patent on this drug (2006)…. Zoloft became the new PMS pill!!!!!! Lordy have mercy!!!!
OOOOH here is a good one…. I recently saw a commercial stating if your antidepressant is no longer working for you, you should consider adding one more pill to your cocktail (meaning your daily prescription drugs)! So in other words, keep taking that antidepressant but add this other pill to that pill and let’s see what happens….
Dang, your doctor knows nothing about ANY of these drugs. Think about this the next time you visit your doctor…….. When you are sitting in the waiting room, look around. You will probably see a Pharmaceutical Rep walking in or walking out of the back. He or she will have a large black suitcase (rolling case or over the shoulder bag) filled with “sample pills”. These Reps will go in and see your doctor and tell your doctor how these pills work and what they are for. They will then leave a stack of these Sample Pills for…. You. Your doctor will only know of the side effects from their patients that they give these pills to. If your doctor is interested enough, he or she may do their own research on the pills they are prescribing you if they so desire.

Why isn’t there a “Chinese American History Month”, Native American History Month, and “Latin American History Month”….etc…..etc…???? Did you know that African Americans were not the only race in the USA that fought for their freedom? There were also boatloads of Chinese Girls that were sold to Americans into slavery to become prostitutes! What about the Native Americans that were killed for their land from the Americans?
I am not saying that we should not honor the history of African Americans in February. I am questioning why just the history of Blacks in America? Why don't we have a month dedicated to other nationalities that have made America their country too?
Chinese are Americans too, but we only have one day dedicated to us (Chinese New Years). The Irish also have one day dedicated to them too (St. Patrick Day). For instance, since February is designated as Black History Month and the Chinese New Year is also in that month, couldn’t we celebrate Chinese American History at the same time?

Funds for Cancer Research - We have SO many fund raisers in the USA for cancer research … Race for the Cure, the three-day breast cancer walk, all of the charity Hollywood events raising money for research…..etc…..etc…..etc…. Did it ever occur to you that MAYBE the companies that are supporting these labs/research/foundations do not want to find a cure, because they will lose all of the support and millions of tax-free money? These events are raising so much money, you would think that “we are almost close to a cure” would have been years ago when we first heard that! Imagine if there was a cure for cancer! JUST IMAGINE…… the funds would stop. How much does the actual charity or research company get from those events?
The bigger the better? In the 1970s-1980s an average house had around 1500 sq ft... In 2004 it grew to around 2,300 sq ft. Nowadays if your home is not around or over 2400 sq ft, your house is considered “small”. Now that the economy is failing, these mini mansions are empty all over America. Loans were given to people that were not qualified for those loans. People that obtain these ARM loans or Balloon Payments are now without their homes or jobs… or both. Under 10 years ago the housing market was great for the Sellers. You could not touch a decent house for under $200,000.00 then. Now that same house is worth almost half that price today! We owe more on our home than what it is worth! Go figure!

Super Size Me - In the 1970s our bottle of coke was 10 oz……….Nowadays a normal size bottle of coke is 20 oz. Everything is super-sized. The Americans are not happy with a “normal size burger”; we must get that extra value meal with the extra fries and larger burgers. We are also fattest country and have the highest obesity rate because we demand everything to be “super-sized”!!!!
You want to hear the scary part? Our children do not know what a real, normal sized portion is! Think about it….. if you gave them a dinner with the portions that we had as children, how would they react?
Our great economy (yea right!) One more thing that I want to bring up.... We all know that our economy is failing each and every day. We are lucky if we have jobs, retirement funds, homes, or just the basic needs in life. Here is the question that will NEVER receive an answer…. THEN WHY ARE THE PRICES GOING UP ON EVERYTHING?! Okay… I know “it is because no one is buying, so we have to make up for the cost….” Blah blah blah! KEEP THE DANG PRICES down people! If you keep the prices down so that people could afford things… then maybe we will purchase more often and keep the economy moving forward! How about this… we can barely heat our homes and keep the electric on BUT the price of gas and electric has been raised more than 33% this year alone!
For my own personal experience that I have to deal with EVERY QUARTER….We have a well. We do NOT have city water, but we do pay for sewage. EVERY DANG quarter we have to pay $115.00 for SEWAGE! This is an estimate price that the Water Commissioner came up with! OH… IT USED TO BE $84.00/per quarter a few short years ago! We also own another house in Farmington Hills that has city water/sewage. I was looking back at the water bill and at our water bills from our tenants and the average for sewage is UNDER $30.00/per quarter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A RIP OFF!

Do we need more DRUGS? Haven’t you noticed all of the commercials in the last couple of years promoting prescription drugs? They say typical things that everyday normal people feel from one time to another…. Then they say, “Ask your Doctor to try this drug…” Then at the end of the commercial it states their Disclaimer… “Risk of heart attack… could be fatal…. Blood clots…. Blah… blah.. blah!” Don’t you ever wonder WHY these pharmaceutical companies do this? I know of two reason… 1. Some of these companies lose their patents or are on their way of losing their patents and need to find another way of how these drugs work for other “diagnosis”. 2. Money.
I remember when Zoloft was “the drug to cure depression”. Since the company was losing their patent on this drug (2006)…. Zoloft became the new PMS pill!!!!!! Lordy have mercy!!!!
OOOOH here is a good one…. I recently saw a commercial stating if your antidepressant is no longer working for you, you should consider adding one more pill to your cocktail (meaning your daily prescription drugs)! So in other words, keep taking that antidepressant but add this other pill to that pill and let’s see what happens….
Dang, your doctor knows nothing about ANY of these drugs. Think about this the next time you visit your doctor…….. When you are sitting in the waiting room, look around. You will probably see a Pharmaceutical Rep walking in or walking out of the back. He or she will have a large black suitcase (rolling case or over the shoulder bag) filled with “sample pills”. These Reps will go in and see your doctor and tell your doctor how these pills work and what they are for. They will then leave a stack of these Sample Pills for…. You. Your doctor will only know of the side effects from their patients that they give these pills to. If your doctor is interested enough, he or she may do their own research on the pills they are prescribing you if they so desire.

Why isn’t there a “Chinese American History Month”, Native American History Month, and “Latin American History Month”….etc…..etc…???? Did you know that African Americans were not the only race in the USA that fought for their freedom? There were also boatloads of Chinese Girls that were sold to Americans into slavery to become prostitutes! What about the Native Americans that were killed for their land from the Americans?
I am not saying that we should not honor the history of African Americans in February. I am questioning why just the history of Blacks in America? Why don't we have a month dedicated to other nationalities that have made America their country too?
Chinese are Americans too, but we only have one day dedicated to us (Chinese New Years). The Irish also have one day dedicated to them too (St. Patrick Day). For instance, since February is designated as Black History Month and the Chinese New Year is also in that month, couldn’t we celebrate Chinese American History at the same time?

Funds for Cancer Research - We have SO many fund raisers in the USA for cancer research … Race for the Cure, the three-day breast cancer walk, all of the charity Hollywood events raising money for research…..etc…..etc…..etc…. Did it ever occur to you that MAYBE the companies that are supporting these labs/research/foundations do not want to find a cure, because they will lose all of the support and millions of tax-free money? These events are raising so much money, you would think that “we are almost close to a cure” would have been years ago when we first heard that! Imagine if there was a cure for cancer! JUST IMAGINE…… the funds would stop. How much does the actual charity or research company get from those events?

The bigger the better? In the 1970s-1980s an average house had around 1500 sq ft... In 2004 it grew to around 2,300 sq ft. Nowadays if your home is not around or over 2400 sq ft, your house is considered “small”. Now that the economy is failing, these mini mansions are empty all over America. Loans were given to people that were not qualified for those loans. People that obtain these ARM loans or Balloon Payments are now without their homes or jobs… or both. Under 10 years ago the housing market was great for the Sellers. You could not touch a decent house for under $200,000.00 then. Now that same house is worth almost half that price today! We owe more on our home than what it is worth! Go figure!

Super Size Me - In the 1970s our bottle of coke was 10 oz……….Nowadays a normal size bottle of coke is 20 oz. Everything is super-sized. The Americans are not happy with a “normal size burger”; we must get that extra value meal with the extra fries and larger burgers. We are also fattest country and have the highest obesity rate because we demand everything to be “super-sized”!!!!
You want to hear the scary part? Our children do not know what a real, normal sized portion is! Think about it….. if you gave them a dinner with the portions that we had as children, how would they react?

Our great economy (yea right!) One more thing that I want to bring up.... We all know that our economy is failing each and every day. We are lucky if we have jobs, retirement funds, homes, or just the basic needs in life. Here is the question that will NEVER receive an answer…. THEN WHY ARE THE PRICES GOING UP ON EVERYTHING?! Okay… I know “it is because no one is buying, so we have to make up for the cost….” Blah blah blah! KEEP THE DANG PRICES down people! If you keep the prices down so that people could afford things… then maybe we will purchase more often and keep the economy moving forward! How about this… we can barely heat our homes and keep the electric on BUT the price of gas and electric has been raised more than 33% this year alone!
For my own personal experience that I have to deal with EVERY QUARTER….We have a well. We do NOT have city water, but we do pay for sewage. EVERY DANG quarter we have to pay $115.00 for SEWAGE! This is an estimate price that the Water Commissioner came up with! OH… IT USED TO BE $84.00/per quarter a few short years ago! We also own another house in Farmington Hills that has city water/sewage. I was looking back at the water bill and at our water bills from our tenants and the average for sewage is UNDER $30.00/per quarter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A RIP OFF!
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