I cannot get motivated today. Thank God I rescheduled my appointment with Ann Arbor, because my mood is not that well today. It was so hard to put my little Jasmine down yesterday. For those of you that are dog lovers, you will understand my pain.
At 2:20pm, Nino and I had to let Jasmine go. She was ready. We were not ready to let her go. We said our goodbyes to her and thought back to the wonderful years she gave us.
She has been bedridden since this Saturday, February 20th - the 3-year anniversary date of Julio's death. She could hardly walk and gave up on eating. She was drinking water and chicken broth until yesterday when she did not accept anything. We carried her to each room that we were in, because she loved to be with us. Wednesday evening, after my classes I did my normal work - working on the clinic bookkeeping..... I kept Jasmine with Nino and did not think anything else... she was content and I did not want to move her.
Next thing I knew, Nino came running into the computer room to find Jasmine! There she was... in the middle of the computer room barely breathing and weak.... SHE must have crawled all the way into the computer room to be with ME! We even have a step in our hallway that she had to climb over to get to me! It made me feel so loved, but at the same time, it made me cry so much. She had this need to be with me and she did everything within her strength to make that happen.... I was so engrossed in my work that I never expected Jasmine to come to me! It made my heart drop and made me love her so much more than I already did. I feel that was her last gift to me. She gave me unconditional love even until the end. I pray to God that I gave her unconditional love too and that I did everything to make her life good for almost 14 years.
I MUST get out of this funk....I MUST know that this is the cycle of life. Soon it will be me, for we have no guarantees in life, but death.
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