Timestamp: 7/31/2009 9:21:00 AM

I cannot believe how some people are! Yesterday, two of us from Fitness Motivators did a two Zumba Presentations for the Tam-O-Shanter Country Club in West Bloomfield. Let me mention that we did these presentations for free.
The morning presentation was fun. Those Ladies were friendly and appeared to have a great time. There was even one participant that was also a "Zumba Instructor". She wanted to see "our teaching skills and how we taught Zumba".
Let me elaborate on this "Instructor". As soon as the music started, she decided to take over the entire presentation by jumping around, moving the opposite way then we were teaching, standing in the front row to demonstrate moves that I was NOT even doing! She was SO distracting and bouncing around as if she was on a caffeine fix! I could clearly see on the other Ladies faces were getting stressed because of this "show-off Zumba Instructor". She was literally bumping into the other participants or getting in the way for them to view me that I decided to change the class direction by moving around to the other side of the room when the song ended.
This Instructor was SO disrespectful that this was the FIRST time in my entire 30-year fitness career that I saw ANYTHING like this! IF she is reading this...... (which I am sure she is not, because my Online Journal is not easily accessible unless one shows this to her), I want to say this to her: IF you are going to participate in ANY fitness class, no matter WHO the Instructor is, refrain from showing off and disrespecting the Instructor! YOU DO NOT go in the front row, ESPECIALLY if you think you know the routine or song! Let the other Participants have fun and interact with the Instructor and feel the experience of the class. I saw everyone behind you trying to look over your shoulder or they had stress on their faces because they could not see me, because you kept moving the opposite way from them or when you were doing your own routine in MY class, they were avoiding your arms or legs from bumping into them!
Also, NEVER change the move of the Instructor! YOU DO NOT go into another class and decide that you will change the move (AND I MEAN YOU CHANGED EVERY, SINGLE MOVE). Don't you know how confusing that would be to the participant?!!!!! Personally, I try to make the participants first class experience a positive one, especially if that is their first time in my class or a certain type of class! You came into the room with a lack of professionalism, disrespect, and such a show-off display that you even made some of the participants upset! Unfortunately, you did not succeed at what you wanted to do. Your reputation has been tarnished among your country club co-members, because of your display of inappropriate behavior.
It is very clear that you became a Zumba Instructor with no fitness or instructional background and you are very new to the fitness industry. (Although you did tell me that you taught, "dance to elementary children", you may want to step back and make sure you are not teaching them inappropriate behavior as well.) Please refrain from attending other fitness classes until you know the etiquettes of participating in another Instructors class.
"When you are participating in the class of another instructor, however, it is important that you not draw attention to yourself. Enjoy the class, make an occasional positive shout out, and assist the instructor or a new participant if you are asked to do so. Carrying on so that you draw attention to yourself and away from the principle, however, is rude. It is a little like wearing white to your sister's wedding. Just say no. There is a very fine line here between support and spotlight stealing. Err on the side of caution and ask the instructor if he/she minds you participating. Then, ask if she/he has a preference for where you place yourself. When approached in this way, most instructors are happy for the help and may ask that you greet late attendees or help a new person. Making every effort to be supportive and helpful will go a long way toward building peer relationships and a team atmosphere." PLEASE, I BEG you to read the rest of this article at this link! http://scwfitness.com/index.php?story=1523
On another incident that happened at this club............ while waiting for the second part of our afternoon class to begin, a lady came in and we started having a conversation with her. When she said she has been taking a Zumba class for almost a year, I asked, "ohhh how wonderful! Who is your Instructor?". She said, "Lilliana - before she moved to Paris and Karen". I said, "Ohhh I know Lilliana, she is a friend of mine... she is a beautiful person that teaches the authentic Latin way.... I just love her... Isn't Karen the older Instructor that used to teach with Lilliana? That lady replied, "FU*K YOU Bi***... I am 53 years old". I was shocked that a complete stranger said that to me!!!!!!!!!!! I replied... "I am ** years old and only said older because anyone older than me, is...well, older". (FYI: I am in their age range too)
When we started the class, that lady demanded that we face our backs toward her. I told her that "we do not teach like that". She demanded it again. I said, "I am sorry, but we do not teach with our backs toward anyone." She did very well until the song "Single Lady". She stomped out of the class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After that Instructor and lady left, the remaining time was perfect! I plan to send an email to the Country Club to never contact me again. OHHH I also found out that MOST OF THE PRESENTERS received payment for their time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER AGAIN!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH WAIT THERE IS ONE MORE THING!! We were invited to have lunch with them (this was planned while they were setting us up to do this event with them - maybe one month or so before). The setting was beautiful and very elegant! The Host was very sweet. All I wanted was a cup of coffee, but Anne-Marie was hungry, so we decided to stay for their "famous" lunch. GUESS WHAT THEY DID!!????? The Host took us through the kitchen and took us to a dark dining room with NO ONE in there and told us to eat in there!!!! "Go get some food (where everyone was at) and come back here to eat" OMGGGGGG After she left, I stood there in shock and said to Anne-Marie, "WE are NOT going to eat here and be treated like Servants! I CANNOT believe she put us in a dark dining room as though we were not worthy to eat with the others!!!!!!!!!!!!" We did not eat there. After drinking some of our coffee, we walked out of there and decided to take some pictures on their campus!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW... we were told after the luncheon (from one of their members) that all the other vendors and Presenters were invited to join them in their dining room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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