
Showing posts from 2010

2011... A New Year... A New Goal?

Okay... it is 2011 and it is that time of the year where a lot of people are making their New Year's Resolution.... Are you one of them? Are you looking to add fitness into your life? Eat healthier? Stop smoking? The big question is... Do you stick to your New Year's Resolution or are you like 90% of Americans who unfortunately fail at keeping them? Why wait for the New Year? Let's head in the right direction.... Right now! Stop talking and put action to your words! My new motto...WHY WAIT? 1. Stop stressing yourself out by trying to achieve a high goal. Take baby steps at first. If you go at something real fast, your odds for failure increase. Taking one step at a time will keep you focused and motivated. If you are seeking to... • Lose weight... How long did it take you to gain the weight? • Stop smoking... How long have you been smoking? • Couch Potato... How long have you been sitting around doing nothing for your health and fitness? • How long have ...

Do you know Someone Like This?

It is a shame... I helped her with whatever I could. I did this for over one year. Many people warned me about her since the day she came into my life. I did not listen. I truly thought she was a good person from the heart. She convinced everyone around her that she is a good person. She kept telling me about her "strong faith". How she does everything by the Bible and how spiritual she is. If her God produces people like her, I would never open my doors to people like her ever again! She lied to me and everyone around her and it hurt real bad, but I will get over it! She was energetic, with a big smile on her face, but as soon as she walked away, she is cruel and conniving. I always listened to her complaining about how cruel the world is to her, She will make hints to saying "ooohhh I love that... ohhh I want that..." or repeat it until you finally give in to give it to her. IF it fails, she wants nothing to do with you. She will use you until she no longer...

It runs in the family...

What can I say??? hehehe My twin Donna and her daughter (my niece), Chrissy - It runs in the family! LOL


Well, Z-Box Fitness is our legal trademark as of August 4, 2010! It took over one year of going back and forth with the government! At one time, I was so depressed and frustrated because we worked so hard at Z-Box and they were trying to deny us the trademark rights.... With determination and never giving up, WE WON! AAAHHHH the feeling is awesome! I pray good things will happen with Z-Box Fitness and people will see what a great program it IS! Donna designed the website - Check it out!
Left Photo: I guess I have been making faces for years... This is Jill with me. She used to work at Sarah Fisher when Donna and I lived there. This picture was taken in the Sarah Fisher Gym, at a Halloween Party they were having for the children. I think the year was 1974 or 1975? Right Photo: We caught up with each other 20 years later!!! She had this picture with her (the left one) and I was surprised that someone actually had a picture of me making a face and kept it for all these years!!!! hehehehe Thank you Jill for sharing this with me. We saw each other in 2009. I look forward to seeing Jill again!!! Click on the photo for a larger view

In Response to Shakira's WAKA WAKA: Let's All Dance For 1GOAL, Debbie Lim

Be Thankful


The Mind

The Mind Today I plan to concentrate on how we present ourselves to others. I have noticed, the closer that I get to 50, the more I witness too many friends and family members suffering from illness or death. Let's face it... as every year passes us by, we realize there are more aches and pain and more memory loss... So, with that being said... Live as though this is the last day of your life, for this very second is now part of your past . For the Mind : As I age, my mind is changing fast... It is harder to remember things... I have to read emails twice or more or else I will not be able to reply properly because I overlooked something! So many times I catch myself standing somewhere forgetting WHY I went there in the first place - I do that in a conversation too - I would be in mid-sentence and totally forget what the heck I was talking about! I can only laugh at myself, because I don't want to mess up my makeup and cry about it! In my mind, I tell myself everyday to think p...

The Pain of It!

I had some major oral surgery Friday morning. Dr. Boutros and his Assistant, DJ are the best and such caring people! I truly felt comfortable with them! I had one dental inplant (this is my 3rd now) and three extractions. One of the extractions was my lower right wisdom tooth. I was told all three extractions were extremely difficult. What should have taken one to 1.5 hours, took two hours in surgery. I have been in severe pain since Friday! I am normally a tough girl! I normally can take anything and nothing could stop me... until now! Perhaps it is old age creeping up on me.... THANK GOD for Nene taking over my classes this week! What am I going to do without Nene! She has been such a blessing! The entire team has been wonderful! I feel so blessed! This is Day 6: I called the doctors office again this morning and told them that I was not expecting this pain to stay with me so long... They said that they are not surprised!! They should have warn us... Nino said (when we were walki...

Something To Think About

This is true story that should make all of us think..... Thank you Braden for sending this to me! :-) THE SITUATION In Washington, DC, at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, this man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, approximately 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After about 3 minutes, a middle-aged man noticed that there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, and then he hurried on to meet his schedule. About 4 minutes later: The violinist received his first dollar. A woman threw money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk. At 6 minutes : A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again. At 10 minutes : A 3-year old boy stopped, but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turni...

Feedback on my article in the CoSoZo Living Magazine & my Reply

Hi Debbie, One of the members where I teach Zumba brought me the article you wrote Zumba Craze Hits Michigan. I just read it and had to send you some feedback. I thought the article was great in that it encourages people to consider Zumba, the fun workout, the fabulous aerobic activity, etc. I also loved that you boasted that the Zumba Program is currently being taught at over 50,000 locations, etc. All in all it was great. I do, however, TOTALLY disagree with the paragraph starting with Most Zumba instructors without a fitness background face away from their students.... I could not disagree with your statement more. There is no written rules about this in the Zumba instructors notes and the proof is really in the pudding. In other words, what does the student/member really prefer? Whether you believe this or not, students find it much easier to follow when the instructor is facing the same direction that they are. It has nothing to do with 'looking at someones' buttocks...

Zumba Craze Hits Michigan

Zumba Craze Hits Michigan Posted using ShareThis

Stats for my website... Does anyone know.....

Does anyone know anything about web stats? I have over 4.2 millions hits at my personal website and would like to know if this is true? Below are the stats that my web server has on it... Perhaps the "hits" are added up each time someone clicks on a page at my website? Maybe someone has a link to my site (using a photo perhaps??) that is making each hit to my total hits? Either way, I feel these numbers are excellent considering this is a personal website.... Any comments would be appreciated!! THANK YOU! General Summary 1. Host name 2. Host URL 3. Program start time Mar 10, 2010 22:31 4. Time of first request Feb 22, 2005 00:34 5. Time of last request Mar 10, 2010 23:56 6. Time last 7 days lasts until Mar 10, 2010 22:31 7. Successful server requests 4,253,737 Requests 8. Successful requests in last 7 days 71,654 Requests 9. Logfile lines without status code 99,699 Lines 10. Logfile lines without status code in last 7 days 0 Lines...

I am Healthy and Fit , so WHY........

Okay… This is somewhat personal, but something has been going on with me for a few years now and I need to write it down for proof later. I may sound crazy, but hear me out… First, let’s look at my health and fitness stats: • For my age, I am considered within my normal weight, maybe a few pounds lighter, but perfect for my size and height (that I am comfortable with). For my height, 136 – 144 lbs is average (I am lower in weight) • My resting heart rate is between 54-59 bpm. My heart rate, when resting, gets as low as 48 bpm. • My blood pressure is perfect and on the low end – 120/60 or 120/70 – sometimes it could go on the higher end of “normal” when I am at the doctor’s office getting a reading. • My average heart rate during exercise is 142-160 bpm • My maximum heart rate (average) while exercising is between 172 and 179. • My BMI is within normal-lower end range. • I work out at least 6 times per week and add weights once or twice per week. I plan to join a gym for more weight tra...

Heart Rate Monitor Reading Results from class...

From now on I will post the Date/Class/Calories Burned/Total Time/ Avg Heart Rate during class/ Max Heart Rate during class under "Class Calorie Counting". Sometimes I forget to wear my Heart Rate Monitor, but most of the time I do wear it in class. Below are some numbers that I already had before I start this part of my blog: Remember - If the time is short, it means I forgot to turn on my monitor and the reading is for that time frame only. Trinity: 1/13/2010 - 33 min./498c/171-avg/181-max = 10% fat Grant: 1/13/2010 - 44 min./588c/164-avg/175-max = 15% fat Plymouth: 1/14/2010 - 44 min./559c/1624-avg/172-max = 20% fat Livonia: 1/19/2010 - 42 min./559c/165-avg/173-max = 15% fat Trinity: 1/20/2010 - 44 min./506c/169-avg/151-max = 45% fat Grant: 1/20/2010 - 44 min./567c/161-avg/171-max 85% fat! Novi: 1/25/2010 - 42 min./451c/147-avg/164-max 30% fat Grant (attending class/not teaching): 1/30/2010 - 442 min./439c/141-avg/186-max 35% fat

Fit 4 Forty+ - Hair Analysis Part I

I have decided to do something different in each FM newsletters. Instead of writing articles about things, I have decided to put myself through the tests. I plan to write about things that I plan to improve or make needed changes in my life and give you my feedback on my research. Therefore, today I will talk about “Hair Analysis”. At our clinic, we give our patients options on different tests that could be valuable to their health and wellness. We have included the Hair Analysis at our clinic with amazing results for our patients! I decided that I should do this test, see what my results are. If my results come back with some needed changes in my life, I will make the adjustments and see what happens. First, we need to know what a Hair Analysis is and what it can do for us. Hair analysis measures the mineral content of your hair. Mineral content of the hair reflects mineral content of the body's tissues. If a mineral deficiency or excess exists in the hair, it usually indicates...
This Photo: This is Julio (DOD: Feb 20, 2007) and Jasmine (DOD: Feb 25, 2010) at a happier time in their lives. October 2006. I cannot get motivated today. Thank God I rescheduled my appointment with Ann Arbor, because my mood is not that well today. It was so hard to put my little Jasmine down yesterday. For those of you that are dog lovers, you will understand my pain. At 2:20pm, Nino and I had to let Jasmine go. She was ready. We were not ready to let her go. We said our goodbyes to her and thought back to the wonderful years she gave us. She has been bedridden since this Saturday, February 20th - the 3-year anniversary date of Julio's death. She could hardly walk and gave up on eating. She was drinking water and chicken broth until yesterday when she did not accept anything. We carried her to each room that we were in, because she loved to be with us. Wednesday evening, after my classes I did my normal work - working on the clinic bookkeeping..... I kept Jasmine with Nino...

My little Yorkie Girl...

I took this picture from my Blackberry... We were driving back from the Vets today... I was happy that she was coming home... we thought that she was going to be put down and boyyyy I was happy to still have her! We had our first severe snow storm of the season today. Thank God for a Wrangler! Feb 22, 2010 Nino and I took Jasmine to the VET today and we are trying one more thing. He gave her an antibiotics shot. He said she should start feeling better by this evening and maybe start eating some food. It is 10:20 pm and she is still the same. She cannot stand... Wait.... just now....she did go outside for a few minutes! I gave her some water just now! She was drinking it! I tried to give her some treats or food, but she will not eat. Please Lord, either make Jasmine well or let her go peacefully without any pain. She is 13.5 years old and she knows that she is loved and she has been a blessing in our lives.

My Little Jasmine

Jasmine You know the old saying... Quiet before the storm? I believe that is happening right now with my sweet little Jasmine. Jasmine has a severe collapsed trachea. This is very common for little Yorkie breeds. For the last few months it has been very bad for her. I even posted a video on YouTube to see what other Yorkie Lovers are doing about this and if anything has helped their dogs. Our VET tells us that Jasmine is not suffering and that it is basically like a "cough". Well, her "cough" is getting worse and almost every minute she is hacking or coughing severely..... that is.....until today. She did not eat today... She is laying around and when she does get up, she just stands there. Her breathing is hard and her chest seems heavy. As I sit here in my home office, I can hear her breathing hard, but she seems very peaceful. She has not "coughed" or "hacked" the entire day. She has been very quiet. Ms. Jazee Jasmine La Shong, born Ju...

Timestamp: 3/6/2009 10:27:46 PM

I am always thinking about my classes: How to improve my teaching technique. How to satisfy the needs of each student. How to keep the students coming back for more. I strive to succeed in every class that I teach. When I am up there in front of them, I look forward to their smiles, determination, and goals. When I teach, I smile all the time (as they well know) because of many reasons….. It makes me happy to see everyone getting into the class! I laugh at myself when I KNOW I mess up and hopefully no one will know because I have that ugly smile plastered on my face! I have to admit, I also like to watch the students… I like to see the expressions on some of their faces…. The way some of them move… I get a warm feeling in me and …yes, it makes me giggle inside! No one knows this (except for my twin), right before every cool down, I pray. I thank God that the class was successful and I was able to teach it. After 29 years of teaching, I still get nervous and at times I am unsure of m...

Timestamp: 3/2/2009 12:46:00 AM

When I think about how life is... When we were young, we wanted to be older. Now that we are older, we want to be young again. I look and cannot believe how the years flew by. I cannot believe that my son will be middle-age next January and my daughter is turning 20 years old this year. I see things so differently nowadays too. What used to be important to me is not anymore. For example, I am a cleaning fanatic. I still like everything clean, but I don't have to have things "put away or washed" right that minute. I used to move my furniture around at least every other month... or I would buy new furniture once every year. I used to paint the walls of any housethat I lived in every year too. Those days are gone now. I am not sure if it is to "old age" or not, but now I am content with my furniture and my walls look pretty good too. I do plan to buy a new dinning room set, but not one that is the top of the line like I always did before. I just want a simpl...

Timestamp: 2/27/2009 10:32:00 PM

All I have to say is.............. WHY?

Timestamp: 2/26/2009 10:59:42 AM

This entry will be pretty long... I was on my laptop last night and decided to write things that probably means nothing to anyone but bothered me with many questions.... So... here it is.... Just my point of view on different subjects: Do we need more DRUGS? Haven’t you noticed all of the commercials in the last couple of years promoting prescription drugs? They say typical things that everyday normal people feel from one time to another…. Then they say, “Ask your Doctor to try this drug…” Then at the end of the commercial it states their Disclaimer… “Risk of heart attack… could be fatal…. Blood clots…. Blah… blah.. blah!” Don’t you ever wonder WHY these pharmaceutical companies do this? I know of two reason… 1. Some of these companies lose their patents or are on their way of losing their patents and need to find another way of how these drugs work for other “diagnosis”. 2. Money. I remember when Zoloft was “the drug to cure depression”. Since the company was losing their patent ...

Timestamp: 1/29/2009 9:13:00 AM

I can be quiet and keep my thoughts to myself. For only a select few, I am able to share my feelings, but most of the time, I like to keep things to myself. I used to share a lot more of my life with some people, but I have learned that is not safe to do anymore. It is funny how you think , the people that claim to be close to you are the ones that harbor ill feelings toward you... When you take a step back and watch the scenario that is taking place in front of you, you must take action or let them step all over you! ooohhh How things will be changing... I wish to share this with a person that I have been watching for some time, but will not for numerous reasons..... However, this is what I would like to say to her: I refuse to sit back and let someone try to make me feel I am not wanted , especially where I should be! I almost gave in and then realized.... HEY.... not this time!!! Yes, darling, I AM a stronger person now. Yes darling, I can be quiet and you may take it as weakness...

Timestamp: 2/7/2009 8:21 PM

It is just one of those nights... I hardly have them, but when I do, I pray that I get out of them fast! I am so tired today. I cannot focus and my memory has been horrible lately. I feel like I am burning out fast and cannot stop this spiral effect. The classes are going very well. I had to turn down a teaching position at Ballys. The sad thing they did was NOT inform the gym! One of our students came up to me this morning and said she saw the posters posted all around Ballys that I was going to be there today! I called them to inform them that I had called the Director on Thursday and informed her of my decision. I felt horrible that they were excited about it, but it was not feasible for me to conduct classes there! Not only was it a bad business move for me, but the pay was horrible! I only agreed to it because of being highly referred to them by another Instructor. Speaking of that Instructor that referred me, I let her know about my decision and she told me (because she teach...

Timestamp: 1/29/2009 5:39:27 AM

I was tagged by my niece to fill out "25 things I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU" at Facebook, so I thought I should put it in my blog to check on it later I am beginning to dislike eating food, due to fear of the contaminated food out there. I have severe insomnia... like now! (4:30am) I am still very much in love with my husband.. as though it is the first day we met...20 years later I don't want to grow old with my sisters living so far from me. I want my family and friends to succeed and be happy in their lives. Although it took me so long to graduated from college, I have no desire to further my education. I am a better person since 2006 and especially since 2008! I love teaching fitness. I love seeing the smiles on my students faces when I teach! I love hearing about their success! I wish I could change my son's life and make him happier. I love my little dogs! I truly don't see them as dogs but as my little children. I love watching Nino... the intense look wh...

Timestamp: 1/4/2010 1:14:00 PM

Timestamp: 1/4/2010 1:14:00 PM

Did you know that every decade, we tend to gain at least 5 pounds with normal activity! Even if you have exercised most of your life, your average weight gain is at least 3 pounds. Why is this? Because most of us do not increase our activities and most likely we are eating more. Keep in mind, that the federal guidelines for physical activity are the same, calling for equal amounts of exercise for both younger and older adults. Both the Surgeon General and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 30 minutes of moderate physical activity for everybody on most days of the week. Remember, getting older does not mean you have to look and feel your age too. With the right food and exercise plan you can turn back the clock of time and enjoy abundant energy and experience the joy of feeling better than you have in years. By including exercise into your life, you will notice the change in your attitude, habits, and even your appearance. I would like to add another important fact...

Timestamp: 11/6/2009 5:51:00 AM

I decided to stay up this time. Why lie in bed and force myself to (try to) sleep, when all it does is frustrating me. When you really think about aging, isn’t it really sad for most people. I can already tell that I am not going to “age gracefully”. Youth is wasted on the young. When we are young, we cannot wait until we are older. Oh how we wish we were young “once again” when we are older. I guess it boils down that we are never happen with ourselves. Those of us that want straight hair have curly hair…. Short hair people want long hair… Short people want to become taller… Taller people want to become shorter… age 17 or 18 Just when you realize your life is going good or if you came to term with certain issues in your life, that is when something would hit the fan. Life is a wild rollercoaster. Once you think something is going well, something else will always pop up. It is not about negativity. It is about life. You reach the end of one chapte...

Timestamp: 7/31/2009 9:21:00 AM

I cannot believe how some people are! Yesterday, two of us from Fitness Motivators did a two Zumba Presentations for the Tam-O-Shanter Country Club in West Bloomfield. Let me mention that we did these presentations for free. The morning presentation was fun. Those Ladies were friendly and appeared to have a great time. There was even one participant that was also a "Zumba Instructor". She wanted to see "our teaching skills and how we taught Zumba". Let me elaborate on this "Instructor". As soon as the music started, she decided to take over the entire presentation by jumping around, moving the opposite way then we were teaching, standing in the front row to demonstrate moves that I was NOT even doing! She was SO distracting and bouncing around as if she was on a caffeine fix! I could clearly see on the other Ladies faces were getting stressed because of this "show-off Zumba Instructor". She was literally bumping into the other participants or...